
Maximizing the Moment | Brian Handrigan from Advocado

Three people meet for lunch and discover they each possess a unique ingredient for a new company. The result becomes Advocado—a company that connects traditional advertising with the digital world to maximize clickthrough rates and ROI.

In this episode of UpTech report, we speak with Brian Handrigan, Advocado’s cofounder and CEO, who explains the unique technology they use to find the synergy between television and the internet, and discusses an unconventional hiring approach they use to eliminate unconscious bias and diversify their team.

How AI works for online advertising?

Advertisers are trying to connect with viewers or consumers all the time. And we are constantly distracted with our mobile phones. So there’s a small window of time when a specific consumer is actually ripe and ready to hear what an advertiser has to say.

And AI can work very well there. How? Advocado is SaaS platform that optimizes in real-time across all media types to improve advertising performance by engaging audiences in the moment after a offline signal, like a broadcast TV ad, interests them and they reflexively turn to a smart device to learn something, do something or discover something.

Brian explains “we use a version of content recognition for a different part of our product. For us, we needed to know exactly what that television ad was and which version it was as fast as humanly possible. So, the way we’d work is within the first four seconds, we essentially pick up this inaudible barcode in the audio stream that told us everything we needed to know.”

More information:

Brian Handrigan is the Co-founder and CEO of Advocado, Brian is a proven entrepreneur with a passion for expanding the intersection of technology and communication. He is a true innovator and has been a founder or co-founder of multiple startups.

His talent to see “beyond the known” and identify the real opportunity has resulted in some of the most creative omni-channel solutions to date and was instrumental in inspiring the vision of Advocado.

Brian has over twenty years of experience working with leading companies such as TD Ameritrade, ADP, Walmart, WPP and major health insurance companies.



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