
The Quantum Quest | William Hurley from Strangeworks

William Hurley had a vision—begin an open source space for people to collaborate in quantum computing. It didn’t work out. So he decided to start his own company. And just as the quantum world is a little strange, so is his startup, Strangeworks.

They’re not selling a product—at least, not yet. Instead, they’re building community and offering free resources, which includes tools you can use on their website to begin working in quantum computing right now.

In this episode of UpTech Report, William talks about why he believes quantum computing is important, when we can expect this new technology to have a real impact in the marketplace, and ways you can get involved today. “I don’t care what company you use,” he says, “I do care that you get involved.”

More information:

William Hurley is founder and CEO of Strangeworks, a quantum computing startup that makes the power of quantum computing easily accessible and available to all.

He is an Eisenhower Fellow, Innovator in Residence for the Legatum Center for Development and Entrepreneurship at the Sloan School of Management at MIT.

A Senior Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Chairman of the Quantum Computing Standards Workgroup at the IEEE, the first Ambassador to CERN and Society, a regular contributor to TechCrunch on the topic of Quantum Computing, and the co-author of “Quantum Computing For Babies”.

Prior to starting Strangeworks he was a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs [NYSE: GS]. He came to Goldman Sachs via the acquisition of his second startup, Honest Dollar.




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