
The Silicon Prairie Home Companion | Sarah Hill at Healium

In part one of my conversation with Sarah Hill, the founder and CEO of Healium, she talked about how her exposure to trauma as a journalist inspired her to create VR and AR software, powered by wearable technology, to help manage anxiety.

In this second part of our conversation, Sarah explains why she recommends starting your company as service-based as opposed to product-based, and she also discusses some of the challenges of starting a tech company in an area of the country not typically associated with technology.

More information: tryhealium,com

Sarah Hill is the CEO of Healium, a virtual and augmented reality tool for the self-management of stress powered by the user’s own brainwaves and heart rate. After 20 years as a TV reporter covering trauma, her media diet of reporting the day’s headlines ultimately made her sick. Hill developed Healium for herself as well as the 41 million others who struggle with anxiety.

Healium is a digiceutical for people to detox from what they’re consuming digitally. Healium is the world’s first biometrically-powered VR/AR immersive media channel controlled by the user’s brainwaves and heart rate via consumer wearables. Hill’s XR experiences are clinically validated in 3 peer-reviewed journals and have been viewed more than 7 million times.

She is also a former interactive TV news journalist for the NBC, ABC, & CBS affiliates in Missouri. A national Edward R. Murrow, NAB Service to America, National Sigma Delta Chi, and 12-time mid-America Emmy award-winning TV reporter, Hill has 25 years of experience building unique media franchises. She spent decades reporting about the world’s negativity and trauma in Sri Lanka, Zambia, Guatemala, Indonesia, and Congo. Healium’s roots are in virtual travel for Veterans.




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Using VR to Treat Anxiety | Sarah Hill at Healium

Your Meetings AI Ally | Krish Ramineni at