
When First Failures Breed Second Successes | Pere Codina from Kompyte

It’s not uncommon that your first startup will end up becoming the process by which you discover your second. This was the case with Pere Codina, who founded a tech company that helped businesses sell online. But their best client was struggling with competition. They were losing money with advertising because they couldn’t keep up with the competitive landscape.

Pere’s efforts to solve this problem became his next company, Kompyte, which uses artificial intelligence and machine learning to scope out the competition.

On this edition of UpTech Report, Pere discusses how the idea for Kompyte developed from identifying needs of existing customers, and his unorthodox but successful strategy of starting a company in Spain, but targeting the United States as the primary market.

More information:

Pere Codina is the Founder and Chief Executive Officer at Kompyte, the only Competitive Intelligence Automation platform allows Go-to-Market teams to take the manual work out of tracking, analyzing and disseminating actionable competitive insights to drive better strategies and win rates.

Based in Austin, TX, Kompyte enables tens of thousands of users to analyze the activities of several million companies in real-time. Prior to Kompyte, Pere founded another highly successful internet provider platform in Barcelona still used by thousands of users today.

He is an active speaker, blogger, and contributing writer on topics of competitive intelligence. Pere studied computer science at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia in Barcelona.




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